Friday, April 9, 2010

Free-for all Friday: An Unsolicited Plug

As I think you all know, Kelly's Mama has a blog of her own. A cooking blog called, My Mother's Apron Strings (MMAS). Next to crafting, cooking runs a close second as my favorite pastime and I frequent this and other cooking blogs frequently (redundant?). I admit, that most of the cooking blogs just help me add to my, already ridiculously large recipe collection (it is way out of control or "double O C" as my SIL would say). But, not so with MMAS. This blog is different. These recipes have actually made it to my table several times. Unfortunately, I haven't taken pictures of everything but here are the latest two:

Why, you might ask do I choose to make these recipe's as opposed to one's from Orangette (which is a fabulous blog, btw)? The most obvious answer is that I actually know and completely trust the cook on the other end. I have been able to sample her many culinary creations for the past 20+ years and since the only other master chef I know, my Great Aunt, passed away when I was in high school, she has been my cooking Encyclopedia for any and all cooking needs. I mean, what if one of those other cooking blogs with recipes that look fabulous, really aren't that fabulous after all?! No, it's better to stick with what I know, and let those other recipes live in my culinary imagination... I'm just kidding of course. I have tried a few. Like this one from Orangette that makes me want to eat nothing else ever again (...I get over that). But the truth is that with "My Mother's Apron Strings" there is no doubt, no wondering... only total confidence :) Anyhoo, I just wanted to say how grateful I am to have this blog, by this particular cook and that I hope you'll check it out, too :)


  1. I want to live in your house! Those look FABulous! Will have to take a visit to MMAS...I haven't baked (that wasn't out of a box) in YEARS. Maybe it's time...

  2. Thank you Kandyce for the unsolicited recommendation. I LOVE to bake and most of all, share what I bake. Through the blog, I want everyone to know it's just as easy to make from scratch as it is to buy a mix in a box...and so much more healthy for you and your loved ones. Even though I have formal training, most of what I learned in the kitchen came from my mom and allowing me to find my own creativity. Bake with your kids. It not only gives them self-confidence, but spend time with you in the kitchen...and isn't that where memories are made! Love you!

  3. These look amazing! I love Orangette but I loved her book even more. So good. Happy Weekend!

  4. I read your essay in Brain,Child and was absolutely touched. You seem like a Mama with amazing intuition, compassion and strength. To me that trumps following any parenting dogma (ie: attachment parenting). Your son is lucky. I sincerely hope your recovery is swift.

  5. You brought back such great memories with that Kringlar. My dad use to make them at christmas time as well. I'm heading over to check out Kelly's mom's blog. I'm sure I'm going to find something yummy. Enjoy your baking. It looks great.

  6. Tears in my eyes are I gaze longingly at the pictures of foods I want to be consuming. I, as you well know cannot cook from a box, I feel so wrong when I do. I picture the factory and machinery that developed what I am now going to feed my family, and I become thoroughly uncomfortable with that image. I try to keep everything as much like God has made it as possible. I want our bodies to be able to use it and thrive from it. Please rid your minds of any feelings of guilt or shame if you do cook from a box, I am NOT judging you. Time doesn't always permit any other lifestyle for some (many). I speak only for myself. Judah, my 9 year old son made the Irish soda bread with unbleached whole wheat flour and we were SO very impressed. Not just with his abilities but with the taste of the recipe. Thank God for MMAS :0)
